So, Troubled Waters is back on a Saturday only schedule, which is a little disheartening to YHC. I really enjoyed the weekday beatdowns, but alas, attendace has diminished and EH’ing had not filled the void that was left. I hope we can get back on a weekly schedule soon, but until then, we beatdown on Saturday. I had a nice little surprise EH today. My 2.0, (all 10 years of him) asked to come this morning, so up we got and off we went.
I had this beatdown broken into 3 15 minute sessions, which would’ve brought the PAX to extreme pain, but I didn’t factor in the mosy time, and the mumble chatter, so we only got to 2 of them, which was probably for the best, considering the condition we were in after the 2nd one.
Arm Circles 10x’s every which way, backwards, forwards, with some OH claps & Seal claps thrown in there.
Plank to Pigeon Pose, 30 seconds right leg, back to plank 10 seconds, 30 seconds left leg and circle up
ABC’s Squared
10x’s each exercise, IC, all together
American Hammers
Box Cutters
Captain Thor
Flutter Kicks
Gas Pumps
Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
Imperial Crunches, (thanks to Mathlete for that name. Combination Bicycle SitUp with an E2K. In Cadence, makes it a slow painful burn)
J/K – because there’s nothing that starts with J or K
Monkey Crunches
Never Cross Dolly
Plank, High
No more time, gotta mosy to the Xbox. 1/4mile lap around the ball fields, and pace off 10 meters
Death by 10 Meters
Nothing fancy, just running 1 10m dash on the first minute and waiting the remainder of that minute. Then, 2 10m dashes on the second minute and rest. Repeat ascending until you cannot complete a round. Smart money was on Joe Dirt on this one, as he is young, competitive and has a soccer pedigree, but nobody was going to try to make it easy on him.
Terabyte – 5 rounds, (I believe)
FNG – 6 rounds
Mathlete – 10 rounds
Torque – 15 rounds, 15 reps
Joe Dirt – 16 rounds, 12 reps
Kimchi -16 rounds, 16 reps.
It was an epic showing of will and determination versus speed and athleticism. Both men prevailed over their weaknesses, but Kimchi took the court that day. Well done sir.
POW walk out of the Xbox, past the fidget spinner, mosy from the Playstation back to the array of shovel flags in the ground.
Countorama, Nameorama, where I got to bestow my 2.0 with the name ‘BrickMaster’, for his love and proficiency with Lego’s. He’s already excited to come back. Hopefully, the N.O. PAX will come around to the kind gesture of giving the younger FNG’s cool names, so they have a desire to come back. Time will tell on poor Tinkerbell.
A pleasure to lead and it was a pleasure to get together under the bridge with the guys again. See you soon!