Back to the blast
BBaacckk ttoo tthhee bbllaasstt

Back to the blast

PAX:EIEI, turbo tax, tanked up, Steve, beast, big fish, nacho, chewy, Toots, choppa, grundy

YHC has taken an unintended hiatus from writing back blasts. Apologies to the pax. So this BB shall encompass all the beat downs that have occurred to the best of my knowledge that have not been recorded. This is all from memory so please excuse missed members from the pax and other alternative facts.

2/21/17: location = mandeville trailhead
Pax: chewy(Qic), EiEi, sea bass the thang: ran fartleks in the rain…

2/18/17: location = lakefront
Pax: big fish(Q), turbo, tanked-up, beast, chewy, grundy(fng)
the thang:
gros poisson Brought the biggest weinke in F3 history, combined with turbo’s “10” minutes of AMRAP at Rips laying down an epic beat down that left the pax sore and grumbling.

2/14/17: location = mandeville trailhead, pax: nacho(Q), big fish, chewy, sea bass, choppa(Fng)
The thang: nacho returned for a QVC inspired workout, with a lot of home exercise equipment and not a lot of running.

2/11/17: location = lakefront
Pax: chewy, EiEi, turbo, tanked-up and Toots
The thang: Toots returned lean and mean for a round robin style Q where tanked up tried his best to kill the pax with an onslaught of burpees, box jumps

2/7/17: location = mandeville trailhead pax: chewy, nacho, big fish, EiEi, sea bass
The thang: either Ei or chewy Q’d
There were some sprints and a lot of ‘nacho planking’ involved… that’s all YHC can remember.

Welcome Grundy and Choppa to the pax!
Congrats to Burgundy on the new baby girl!
Prayers for Toots and his wife Amber.

Again apologies for the lackadaisical back blasting. Plan to see better communication by YHC to help the pax grow in 2017.

Also sign up now for Tough mudder
March 18th, don’t let the elder statesman of the pax (turbo and tank),show everyone up by being the only representatives!
