Armistice 2020
Armistice 2020

Armistice 2020

QIC:High Rise
PAX:Breadsticks, Kuch, Dirty Dell, Heart Aquack, Jesus Juice, Roots, Da Parish, YaMomAnEm, Abacus, Pop Tart, Catfish West Nile, Walleye, Triple Shift, Sheetrock, Snooze, Mama's Pride

I looked for a good Veteran’s Day themed WOD and found 2 that I liked. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take to complete (particularly Catfish) so the plan was to have everyone complete WOD #1 and then transition to WOD #2 with the left over time for AMRAP. Turns out WOD #1 was all that was needed.

Warm up:

Mosey around the traffic circle and end at the second intersection. Circle up.

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • Arm circles fwd/rev x 10 each IC
  • Hillbillies x 15 IC
  • Peter Parkers x 15 IC

Tha Thang:

Everyone would need to grab a bench throughout Roosevelt Mall. The plan was to complete the WOD and record your time.

11 rounds for time

11 Mountain Climbers

11 Squats

11 Hand release Merkins

11 Box jump burpees

200 meter run (this consisted of running around the neutral ground to the bench opposite where you started)

Kudos to Catfish as he was the only PAX to complete all 11 rounds. As the time approached 6:15 PAX were instructed to head back to the flag once they had finished their respective round for some Mary.

Count-off, Name-o-rama, Announcements, Intentions, COT.