Another Q for Sale – from Fracsac
Another Q for Sale – from Fracsac

Another Q for Sale – from Fracsac

PAX:Babyface, Maytag, Colonel Mustard, Kenna Brah, Dale, Chips, Babyface, Squints, Mr Rodgers, Catfish, Fuzzy, Triple Shift, Fracsac

12 pax, including 1 DR that goes by the name Fuzzy, gathered at the Mothership to maintain their journey to live right.
Disclaimer than mosey to the great lawn for a warmup.
We tossed the frisbee and did some stuff.

Broke out the big deck of cards. 4 pax called out for an exercise based on the suit.

At about the midpoint of the beatdown YHC brought back “The Q is for sale!”
5 burpee buy in, then roll the die to lead that exercise IC. From that point do as you like, the Q is yours. Only rule is it can’t be bought back and forth.
Everyone kept to the cards for the most part afree purchase of the Q. Any mistake or upset of rules led to burpees. We did a lot of burpees.

Time up, back to the flag


– you know there were a lot of burpees when Catfish asked how many we did so far somewhere in the beat down
– coffeteria enjoyed by many with the runners and many others that either fartsacked, were on IR, or just took the day off. Regardless, fellowship falls within F3, so come on out even if you don’t workout