And, For The Next Round… – from Goose
And, For The Next Round… – from Goose

And, For The Next Round… – from Goose

PAX:Elmer's, Cardinal, Tighty Whitey, Goose

Spared once again from forecasted rain, four PAX gathered on another unexpectedly beautiful morning to top the hill and plant the flag at Lumen Christi. YHC had designed this particular beatdown around Paradiddle’s recent comment revealing a desire for more running (and probably less hill crawling). Alas, there was no Paradiddle, but his absence was honored by a beatdown filled with both running and hill crawling.

Warmup: SSH, Slooooooww Vigodas (after yesterday’s lumberjack trauma), arm circles, cherry pickers, imperial walkers, self-love

Thang 1: Sticky Ninjas

YHC had a good time coming up with a new way to move the PAX up and down the hill. With fond memories of those little plastic ninjas with sticky hands and feet that you throw against the wall and watch them crawl/flip down, the PAX made their way down the hill via 180 crawling arcs with one hand or foot fixed in place. Right hand stays put while the rest of the body crawls down in an arc around it; then, left leg, then left hand, etc. Picture bear crawl or plank position, spinning slowly down the hill with one hand stuck in place until a full 180 arc is completed, then switch to the next foot, etc.
Going down was kind of fun. Going up was a different kind of fun… Definitely keeping that one in the back pocket!

Thang 2: Round and Round We Go:

Round 1: While each PAX takes turns running alone around the big lake (about a quarter mile), the rest complete continuous sets of 7 jump squats, 7 merkins, 7 LBC’s. Once all PAX have run…

Round 2: PAX run two at a time around the big lake, the rest completing continuous sets of 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks, 15 flutter kicks. Once all PAX have run…

Round 3: Each PAX runs around the lake alone, and the rest complete continuous sets of 15 squats, 10 dying cockroaches, 5 Maktar’s (plank walks). Sent the last two together so we’d have time for the final event.

Thang 3: Imperial Walker Dance

For the Duration of “Baba O’Reilly” by The Who, PAX did Imperial Walkers in cadence with the rhythm (some PAX’s rhythm is better than others, especially toward the end). The song lasts exactly 5 minutes, which was enough time for an in-depth lesson on all things CSI from Cardinal. YHC had no idea that all three CSI series used Who songs for the them (Baba O’Reilly was CSI: New York). Cardinal’s favorite is CSI: Miami because the main character is his doppleganger, but with cooler sunglasses.

COT and prayers for families. It was a great morning! Thanks for being out there, fellas, and for sticking with it!

See You in the Gloom (SYITG),