An Impromptu Morning – from Fast Tax
An Impromptu Morning – from Fast Tax

An Impromptu Morning – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Bolt, Boo-Boo, Fast Tax, Hawgcycle, Hokie, Mambi, Rudy, Pike Al

El Diablo 5/18/2022

As YHC was getting ready to head to El Diablo this fine morning, it dawned on me that I was supposed to Q. Only two PAX were present as I rolled up to the meeting area, and I remember thinking “good, only 2 witnesses to YHC’s lack of planning.” Nevertheless, that was not meant to be as Hawg walked up as we were moseying to the rock pile and Rudy rolled in (4 minutes late mind you) followed by 3 others. Time to get the creative juices flowing with some impromptu creativity…

Warmups consisted of SSH, grass grabbers, Nancy Kerrigan’s, Arm Circles, Crab Merkins, and of course, Hairy Rockettes, preceded by two penalty burpees incurred by Boo-Boo.
After selecting medium rocks, we headed to the shelter for the first thing YHC could think of, Stations of the Chest.

As there were 8 of us, each picnic table was a station (some had two) with an assigned exercise: Tricep Extensions, Overhead Press, Curls, Rows, Bench Press, Absolutions, Merkins, and Burpees. Initially YHC set the reps at 15, but after some input from Bolt, the Burpee station was the timer. Rotate and repeat until all stations were visited. It was apparent that, as Bolt basked in the compliments on his form, Rudy was feeling a little left out.

As the exercise wrapped up, YHC had a flash of inspiration for the second event…let’s play chase. We set our rocks down and headed to the hill as I hastily put the concept together. The slope of the hill was the boundary (could not venture on flat ground) with one PAX being “it” and chasing the rest. Whoever was caught had to do 5 burpees, everyone else had to do 3 burpees. Though the concept could use a few beneficial tweaks, it seemed to work fairly well. After several cycles it was time to move on to the next PAX guinea pig event, which Bolt adroitly named 45 Degrees of Self-loathing.

Holding a 45 degree angle with feet on the wall, PAX perform 4 count shoulder taps IC with a push up at the end.

The final event was a series of exercises in the chair position holding our rocks with backs against the wall. After each 15 rep exercise (curls, overhead, etc.), we passed our rock to the PAX on the left, with YHC making changes (tweaks) as we went along, rotating cadence caller and direction of rock shifting.

After dropping off our rocks, we paused for some unordinary stretches (swan dive and manatee) and headed back to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer.
Followed by Coffeteria.

YHC would like to express his appreciation of the PAX willingness to be guinea pigs for his new creative exercises and their impromptu nature!

Thanks for the fellowship! SYITG
Bolt, BooBoo, Fast Tax, Hawg Cycle, Hokie, Mambi, Pike Al, Rudy