QIC: Rev(eille), Mr. Awesome
Pre-thang – A beautiful and windy 54 degrees.
The Thang–
QIC – REVeille
Mosey to the bandstand for a warm up COP
Merkins x 12 Imp Walkers x 15 LBCs x 12
Mosey 1/2 mile to the bridge.
11’s – burpies and wall jumps (modified to 4 and then to 2 wall jumps)
Hand off Q to Awesome.
Mosey 1/4 mi
In Square form – Bear Crawl 3 yds, sideways 3 yrds, backwards 3 yrds, sideways 3 yrds X 3
The Crab Crawl X 1
Mosey 1/4 mi
COP –Mountain Climbers, Big step Mountain Climbers X15
Mosey 1/4 mi
COP – Parker Peters and Fully extended Mountain Climbers x 15
Mosey 1/4
Over and Unders on 3 picnic benches – different bench each time
Mosey to Pull up bars
2 sets of 10 pull ups (rowing hands)
Mosey to flag
LBCs x 20
Tclaps for the Shout out and VQ by Mr Awesome formerly known as Awesome
Tclaps to Hawgcycle for launching Metaire
Bounty Hunter will be a guest Q tomorrow at Audubon 530AM
DUE to the Thanksgiving Holiday Friday will start at 7AM! Roots has the Q.
Saturday 7AM City Park @Storyland/Great Lawn
Starting Monday DEC 1st Hawgcycle is going to launch a NEW workout at Pontiff –
Metaire people lets support this effort by Hawg. #expansion