Alphabet soup – from Wet Tap
Alphabet soup – from Wet Tap

Alphabet soup – from Wet Tap

QIC:Wet Tap
PAX:Wettap goose pope lilcuz safetyvalve Popeye smoothoperator

Alphabet Soup
While pondering the details of my upcoming Q, my 2.0, Redfish, expo marker in hand, began to compile a list of exicon moves.

Although there was some input from YHC, this was an impromptu coup. Being a gracious fatherly figure, I explained and exposed the known weaknesses of my fellow PAX.

The beatdown was explained after a very vanilla warmup. SSH, buttkicks, windmills, CherryPickers first/ arm circles after. I know- crazy!

The whiteboard was dressed with the full alphabet A-Z. Each letter represents an exercise. 26 reps/exercise. 5 of the exercises utilized a coupon. There is only one coupon. The PAX can start on whichever letter they chose, but most follow alphabetical order thereafter. If your next exercise utilized a coupon, and it was being handled by a musky man; you had to take a lap (200yds) hoping it would be free when you returned, if not- another lap. The goal would be to complete the alphabet with all 26 reps.

The list:

American Hammers
Elbow Plank Jacks
Fairy Jacks
Grave Diggers
Hillbillies (2:1 )
Imperial Walkers (2:1)
Karate Kicks (2:1)
Nolan Ryans (26 each side)
Pickle Pounder
Q’drenaline squats
Russian Dips (2:1)
Side Stratle hops
Nutcrackers (2: 1)
Winshield wipers.
X-Factors (2:1)
Yankee Jeaux’s®
Zebra Butt-Kicks (2:1)

Many lessons were learned.
A goose will Become broody when a coupon is near.
2. A gosling has a motor like a nascar engine.
3. A cuz will pity those less fortunate, until he is presented with a coupon.
4. A smooth tempo is hard to stop.
5. The valve train is well oiled and seldom overheats
6. 26 manmakers will make you rethink your sons intentions.
7. How do you submit “ Yankee Jeaux” as an official exicon. ( coupon deadlift while grimacing and offering free dad jokes to those passing by)

All in all, the morning Flew by- most were gassed and All were sweaty.

COT and prayers by Lil cuz.