All the things a “Q” can bring – from Bieber
All the things a “Q” can bring – from Bieber

All the things a “Q” can bring – from Bieber

PAX:Douille, Moist, Willie, Clinger, 86, Jingle Vader, Tubesteak, Grinder, G Spot, Angie's List, Mariah, Bieber, Pop-A-Lock, Nip Tuck, Old Bay, Chowdah, Reluctant Yankee,

An opportunity to Q is an opportunity for many things. There is the “Making a Fool of One’s Self” where you don’t correctly explain the exercise and no one seems to be doing the right thing. Then there is the, “Who the hell does he think he is?” mistake where the Q (me) assigns things that look good on paper, but ultimately suck. Then there is the dreaded “Too much mumblechatter” mistake where obviously things are way too easy and you need to pick up the pace. Lastly, there is the “Dude, you ain’t making too many friends” mistake where everyone is sucking wind and asking what time it is. Surprisingly, the Q this morning at the Skinny provided ample breeding ground for all of the above situations, and I have zero regrets. Thank you to the 21 Pax who shared in today’s fun. Here we go…

Disclaimer, Mosey around the Parking Lot to Bandstand
Warm Up In Cadence
SSH X 20
GG X 15
Windmill X 15
Leg Hug X 10
Russian March x 10
Calf Stretch X 10
10 X Merkins OYO

Mosey to the Track
Shuffle Left/Shuffle Right/BackPedal/Sprint to Pull Up Bars
4 Groups @ Rows, Burpees X 10, LBC’s, Merkins

Shuffle Left/Shuffle Right/Back Pedal/Sprint to Bridge
4 Groups @ Squats, Burpees X 10, Dying Roach, Merkins

Carioca L, Carioca R, Jog (repeat to Golf Course)
RL SU, LL SU, RL PU, LL PU (Count is as long as it takes for a group of 4 to do 10 burpees)

Partner up, Jog/Sprint (repeat to Golf Course)
Mary…LBCs, Freddie Mercury, LBT, Hello Dolly (count is as long as it takes for a group of 4 to do 5 burpees)

Indian Run to Pull Up Bars
Pull Ups, Burpees X 10, Imperial Walker Squats, Russian Twist

Shuffles X 5…Hard Run Back to Flag

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Announcements…Gnarly Nutria, Intentions…