Ain’t Skeered
Ain’t Skeered

Ain’t Skeered

PAX:Sheetrock, Room Service, Jesus Juice, Shorty, High Rise, Shuffles, Tugboat, Tool, Amnesty, HolyGrove, Mmmbop, Pop Tart, Undertaker

‘Twas my turn to Q The Foundry this Wednesday, but I was having some trouble thinking about what to do. So I did what any reasonable PAX member would do in this situation: I read a backblast from a workout that i liked, and pretty much copied it on Wednesday morning. Shout out to my man, High Rise, as he was the Q on Monday at The Chamber, and it’s his exercises that I used for most of the workout on Wednesday


  • Side Straddle Hops – 15
  • Grass Grabbers – 15
  • Arm Circles – 8 forward, 8 backward
  • high knees – 15 cadence count
  • butt kicks – 15 cadence count
  • self love – 15 cadence count

The Thang: Gross 1

  • Floyd Mayweathers – 12
  • Low Slow Squats – 12
  • Flutter Kicks – 12
  • Carolina Dry Docks – 12
  • Calf Raises – 12
  • Hello Dollies – 12
  • Right Side Lunges – 12
  • Box Cutters – 12
  • Diamond Merkins – 12
  • Left Side Lunges – 12
  • Nola Claps – 12

The Next Thang:

  • Partner Up and then:
  • Partner 1 does a lap around Noma
  • Partner 2 does Rocky Balboas on Noma Steps
  • Partner 1 does a lap around Noma
  • Partner 2 does dying cockroaches
  • Partner 1 does a lap around Noma
  • Partner 2 does hand release merkins

The Next Thang: Gross 2

  • left leg step ups on fountain – 12
  • derkins on fountain – 12
  • LBC’s – 12
  • Irkins on fountain – 12
  • Calf raises on fountain – 12
  • Box jumps on fountain – 12
  • Mountain climbers – 12
  • decline Floyd Mayweathers on fountain – 12

We ran out of time, so we weren’t able to finish all 12 exercises for the last Gross. After the DFFM’s (decline fountain Floyd Mayweathers), we mosey’d back to the flag for the COT. Also, i couldn’t think up a good title for the workout, so i just named it “Ain’t Skeered” because I saw one of those bumper stickers on a truck the other day, and they’re still timeless