Ain’t Nuthin’ Lazy About It (Except Maybe The Q) – from Steve
Ain’t Nuthin’ Lazy About It (Except Maybe The Q) – from Steve

Ain’t Nuthin’ Lazy About It (Except Maybe The Q) – from Steve

PAX:Jose10k, Russo, Shooter, Steve

Definitely a lazy Q day. YHC coulda shoulda woulda done something a little more interesting, but hey, they can’t all be winners.

Another muggy one, with Jose coming in dripping wet, looking like he just came back from getting some especially hot stock tips from Celeste and Lisa. (Sorry, I know the moment has passed, couldn’t help myself).

Some light chatter about the magic of camera angles and Tom Brady’s skills in the announcing booth and then it was time to buckle down and get to it:

Warmorama – Usual business…

Time for the first Dora, P1 hits the stairs, P2 starts in on a cumulative rep count of:

100 Merkins
200 Step Ups
300 Gas Pumps

We took a “break” for a quick round of Captain Thor. Similar to Jack Webb, it’s an ascending count of big boy sit ups and American hammers (a 1:4 ratio increasing each round).

With Jose moseying on to greener pastures, the three of us formed a team for our second and final Dora, the dreaded Lazy Dora:

100 merkins, partner holds plank
200 squats, partner holds Al Gore
300 flutter kicks, partner holds a 6” hold

Shooter is right, there ain’t nothing lazy about it.

COT with talk of Grundy’s Spartan training coming up this Saturday, and prayers for Pelican’s boy. Appreciate you gents posting and allowing me to lead this morning!

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