Afternoon Delight – 3-5-2025 – from Almonaster
Afternoon Delight – 3-5-2025 – from Almonaster

Afternoon Delight – 3-5-2025 – from Almonaster

PAX:Subrpime, Couch, Big Willie, Voila, Blowout, Strings, SOGO, Almonaster

We heard the Penguins were flying to the North Pole and decided to lay down on the banks of the Audubon Lagoons.

The PAX were motivated to perform some Nickles and Dimes. 50 Penguins or Core exercise and 10 merkins, shoulder taps, or squats at each 3rd running man. We finished with Penguin Ring of Fire!!

Subprime, Strings, Voila, Couch, Big Willie, Blowout, SOGO, and Almonaster

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