A light pre-IPC workout.
AA lliigghhtt pprree--IIPPCC wwoorrkkoouutt..

A light pre-IPC workout.

PAX:Mr. Belding, Maria, Mathlete, Saban, Nip Tuck, Bad Moon, 86

Another beautiful and hot Tuesday morning. We had Mathlete from the north shore and Mr. Belding from F3 Tampa Bay visit us so I decided to make it special.

Started with 10 burpees OYO

Mosey to the touchdown Jesus for circle and 20 each of the following

SSH – Smurf Jacks – Seal Jacks – Mountain Climbers – Peter Parkers

Mosey to the Loyola garage for some Indian run up it.

Over to the pull-up bars by the RTOC for Dora 123

  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 200 Jump Squats
  • 300 Merkins

Jogged back to St. Charles and circle up on the grass for some voluntary Mary.

Back to Audubon park for NOR and COT.