Cool morning at The Gipper this morning ~ 49 degrees –
with Moby rolling up in his newly acquired golf cart, looking like Mr. Magoo, driving all
over the AO. Barely Legal arrived soon after, sans golf cart, but with golf cart tales to share.
WARMUP: toe touch, side straddle hops, shoulder rolls, hi-jack hi-jills, butt kicks, high knees,
snap crackle pops, book covers, popeyes, side to side lunges, etc.
Mosey to the back of the supply shed to grab the coupons.
Holy Moly! They blocks are gone! YHC redirected the pax to the Berock Quarry Rock Garden –
where we borrowed the Garden Club’s blocks.
Three sets of coupon work seperated by a run around the Covington Triangle;
Sets included: curls, rows, overhead press, side rows, grave diggers, blockies,
windshield wipers, murder bunnies, sit-ups, etc
Finished with Jane Fondas and a one minute planks
T-Claps to Moby for running, not one – but two, laps around the Covington Triangle.
Barely Legal prayed us out.