This ain’t bedroom Yoga! – from Shooter
This ain’t bedroom Yoga! – from Shooter

This ain’t bedroom Yoga! – from Shooter

PAX:Bushwacker, Jose10k, Russo, Steve

With darkness all around and the glistening of a full moon for illumination 5 PAX embraced the Gloom at Grannies. Steve, Russo and YHC chatted it up until Jose10k appeared out of the darkness. Behold it’s a right on time Cowbell? Nope, it’s the Wacker of bushes hooded up as he grumbles his way to the circle.. Chatter quickly shifted to the adjustments of springing forward and how us 40 somethings sleep patterns range from dream Yoga, to it won’t be long until we will have separate rooms with our significant others. Which ever the case may be, today would be a bit of a throwback to our tunnel of love that is often forgotten.

Brief warmup of torso twists, arm circles, Cherry pickers, grass grabbers, Abe vogodas and toe touches.. Some of the numbers IC varied with Chatter overtaking the counts.

Moseyed to the tunnel and selected two boulders from the drainage area of sorts with an alternative rock that Steve graciously found.
We partnered up
P1 completed reps with coupon while P2 utilized the tunnel.

First round
Chest press(boulders) mosey down Carioca the flat and Mosey up. R/R back and F/J
Second round
Overhead press (rock) & 8 count bodybuilder
Mosey down/lunge walk flat and reverse. F/J
Third round
Squats (rock) & Mountain climbers
25% mosey down, 50% flat and 100% up. R/R F/J

Once completed moseyed our return to the bus stop for 10IC bench jump overs, 10IC leg raises breaking plane on the benches, inspired by Russo’s handstand demonstration months back challenging Bird YHC used the columns for a balls to the wall hold rounded out with 5 donkey kickoffs.

Returned to the circle for some Mary.
ETKs, LBCs, penguins, plank, chill-cut plank and wife pleasers.

Counted off, announced Wacker camp out 3/22 and upcoming Zoolander Marsh madness, Inferno and Zoorich classic..

Appreciate the post and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!

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