Well, that’s what happens when only one PAX post. YHC decided to run to the AO for some RCR mileage. Prospects were light as only Jose10ks Sentra sat in the parking area. H arrived out the shadows from his pre-run.
We completed 3 warmups Good mornings, Toe Touches and Grass grabbers. With time availability shortened we simply moseyed 3 corners for 5/10/15/20/25/30.
8counts-Merkins, squats-SMKs and plank jacks-flutter kicks. Returned to the AO for Jose10ks departure and YHC returned to Moseying on home..
Appreciate the chatter and post to Grannies shortened Q 10k!!
Until the next gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!