Crossed the Bridges, Repeatedly – from Mayhem
Crossed the Bridges, Repeatedly – from Mayhem

Crossed the Bridges, Repeatedly – from Mayhem

PAX:Fiddy, Solo, Chip, Dale

73 degrees and raining, yes still raining
Football day, Tulane tailgatin’, RAIN… unsure of the turnout
PAX were appearing out of the bushes, including @Rudy at 6:34am
YHC’s Mothership VQ, here we go

Warmup without the rain, Peristyle
WM, GG, SSH, PPP, MC, CC (crab cakes, fan favorite), TF, FT

Thang 1:
Mosey to the bridges behind Cafe du Monde
Partner up
1 PAX does an exercise, other PAX runs the loop with an exercise, as the timer
Rd1- 8-count body builder while other PAX does merkins on the bridges
Rd2- repeat Rd1
Rd3- Bonnie Blairs, other PAX lunges up/down the “safe bridge”
Rd4- Squats, other PAX does high knees between the bridges

Thang 2:
Mosey to the shelter down the tracks
Jack Ass Burpee Web, ONLY 5 rounds
1 burpee, 2 donkey kicks… 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10

Thang 3:
Mosey to the nearby memorial fountain
3 PAX ring the circle bear crawling while remainder do an exercise
SSH, step ups, big boy situps, derkins, shoulder taps, low slow squats

Thang 4:
Mosey to the “Ralphs Entrance” to the park
Partner up for a DORA
50 burpees, 100 squats, 150 toy soldiers
Run backwards to next cross walk, forward to starting spot

Thang 5:
Mosey back to the Peristyle
Merk Jax
1 merkin, 2 plank jacks, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 4/8, 3/6, 2/4, 1/2

Thang 6:
Mary, call out a PAX to lead next exercise
Finish with two minutes of stretching

Back to the flag
Announcements- 10/19, 10/24, 10/26
Intentions: gratitude, Georgia catastrophe, all schools/teachers/students

Welcomed FNG @Solo (@Revit crew)
Welcome back @Redfish (@Fracsac claimed an EH)

Awesome Q’ing the infamous Mothership for my first time. In case you didn’t know, 60 minutes is 33.33% more than 45 minutes. We travelled. We did stuff. We went places. Ready to do it again!

3 Qs in 6 days for the first time. Enjoyed it all. Just lead.

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