IPC week 0 @ the Coliseum  – from Honeysuckle
IPC week 0 @ the Coliseum – from Honeysuckle

IPC week 0 @ the Coliseum – from Honeysuckle

PAX:Paradox, Popeye, Smooth Operator, Wet Tap

YHC plus four PAX arrived at the coliseum in the black, star lined night.

SSH, arm circles, cherry pickers, windmills

Wet tap marked the 200 m turnaround point.

Right before the EMOM timer was started, popeye dropped this gem: you know, it’s possible to get into an endless burpee loop. With that segue, the pax immediately had to chew on this as the burpees started.

Some time during the first half, smooth operator began coughing and the only question was bottle of red, bottle of white? We would later learn that he swallowed an insect or some grass, and it was not a symptom of thruster madness.

YHC was questioning several things during this event, but the overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia kept things moving forward because they had to. EMOM to the left of me, exercises to the right. No amount of pleases could shield us. A break would mean one step closer to the burpee doom loop.

Overall, the Pax agreed that the most surprising part was the amount of time taken up by the 5 exercises at the EMOM beep. Regardless, every one put forth a consistently high level of effort until the end. Eventually, the 6 arrived.

Blue tube passed on from wet tap to popeye. Word on the street is that week 1 IPC is putting on and removing it. Wet tap prayed us out.

Good luck to the Saturday crew.


I heard it through the honeysuckle vine
—did paradox hack into valve’s Spotify? It may not be that hard now that he’s stealing their WiFi.
—the mowed track at the coliseum worked out well for this workout. The jury is still out if YHC will develop a belly rash
—smooth did not use gloves today!

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