Simple But Effective – from Rudy
Simple But Effective – from Rudy

Simple But Effective – from Rudy

PAX:Architect, Bogey, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Rougarou, Rudy, SamBreaux, Scantron, Triple Shift, Wedding Planner

So said the long-lost Hawg in a return to the Gloom. HIGH PRAISE from him, the man who taught me that its ok to spend 45 minutes standing in one place with a rock. This morning 8 PAX followed along while we spent approximately 40 minutes standing (or sitting) in one place.

The Thang
3 Rounds of 10 exercises – 45 seconds AMRAP, 15 second rest/transition. All done with Rocks
* Squats
* Shoulder Press
* Curls
* Rows
* Big Boy Situps
* Flutter Kicks
* Bench Press
* Wife Pleasers
* Lunge (no rock – ensure we get the knee to the ground)
* Thrusters

In between rounds, we did a quick Indian Run for recovery. Almost ran a few runners off the path.

COT: YHC offered a very personal thought and observation, greeted with the childish snickers of a bunch of 6th grade level PAX with the brain power of Beavis and Butthead. But seriously – YHC loves these PAX and greatly appreciates the support they always provide, including offering heartfelt support while also always reminding each of us that its ok to laugh with ourselves and at ourselves.

Playlist had a mix of eras (70s through current), but Spotify seemed to lean heavily into the 70s/80s rock part of it.

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