What Do You Call A Three-Hump Camel? – from Steve
What Do You Call A Three-Hump Camel? – from Steve

What Do You Call A Three-Hump Camel? – from Steve

PAX:Jose10k, Russo, Shooter, Steve

Everybody’s got a DMV story. Maybe you’re the guy who, say, waited there for three and a half hours to get your first car registered. This would be pre-cell phones, of course, so to bide your time you’ve memorized all four of the eye charts they’re using behind the bulletproof glass, as well as the many cheerful posters, like the one showing an 18-wheeler with a smiley face that details the 12 steps to get your CDL license. At this point, you’ve started to reconsider every decision in your life that has brought you to this moment, trapped here in this white-walled hell. And then, just as you’re imagining driving that smiling 18-wheeler off a tall bridge to your own fiery demise, your name is finally, miraculously called. The woman behind the desk looks impatiently at you over her reading glasses, with one hand thrust out. And even after you’ve gently placed your paperwork into her outstretched claw, she still seems to be sizing you up, like she’s read your thoughts and confirmed that yes, you’re an idiot. Finally she looks down, flips through a few pages and slides them right back over to you. She’s staring at you like you’re supposed to say something, but before you can, she says, “No odometer disclosure. You need to fill this out,” she hands you a form without looking at you, “Get it notarized, and make another appointment.” And before you can protest and throw yourself at her feet, she’s called the next name in the queue.

Nowadays, with all the online options, the DMV has come a long way. But apparently not so over in Franklinton, where grudges against certain junior high math teachers run deep. That’s right, Jose kept us entertained with his DMV tale, in which a former student’s mother attempted to exact revenge on 10k. Of course, Jose ain’t playing that game and he successfully walked away with his dignity, and his Real ID.

Oh and yes, we did work out. A descending rep count starting at 100 of an exercise, then moseying the corridor and climbing the steps for 10 burpees. Went something like this:

100 Mountain Climbers 10 burpees
90 Freddie Mercurys 9 burpees
80 Squats 8 burpees
70 Plank Jacks 7 burpees
60 Big Boys 6 burpees
50 Merkins 5 burpees
40 Sister Mary’s 4 burpees
30 Crunchy Frogs 3 burpees
20 T-Merkins 2 burpees
10 Burpees 1 burpee

A little time left for some leg work, calf raises, and Mary. COT and Shooter prayed us out.

Oh, the three hump camel: