End of summer beatdown – from SamBreaux
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End of summer beatdown – from SamBreaux

PAX:Architect, Hand Grenada, Mahatma, Mayhem, Maytag, Mr Rodgers, Rougarou, SamBreaux, Scantron, Vagabond

Disclaimer and mosey to the football field

Warmup: SSH, AV, GG, arm circles, self love, and some low slow squats

Mosey to the rock pile, choose your rock carefully

Indian walk down the jogging path and track to the north endzone

In keeping with the El Diablo theme of honoring fallen hero’s, we completed a modified “Laredo” honoring Army Staff Sgt. Edward Laredo killed by an IED in Afghanistan June 24 2010

6 rounds of 24 reps per exercise recognizing the date of his sacrifice

24 curls
24 squats
24 american hammers
Walking lunges to cone 1
Bear crawl to cone 2
Run to cone 3 and return

Partner up for some bonus work, alternating with partner
– 24 rows / LBCs
– 24 curls / merkins

Return to rock pile

6MOM: freddie mercurys, flutter kicks, dollys, LBCs, dying cockroach, wife pleasers, leg lifts (hold em up)

Mosey back to flag, plank and big boy sit ups until Scantron and Rougarou were ready to join us


Pleasure to lead, apologies for the delayed backblast