QThighs (champ) v QThumbWar (challenger) – from Mahatma
QThighs (champ) v QThumbWar (challenger) – from Mahatma

QThighs (champ) v QThumbWar (challenger) – from Mahatma

PAX:Architect, Bolt, Chips, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Kenna Brah, Mahatma, Mayhem, Pinewood, Rougarou, Rudy, Scantron, Squints, Thighs, Thumb War, Triple Shift, Vagabond

The date Friday 8/16
The place Pontiff Playground – Metry LA
The event Thighs from the OG vs ThumbWar from parts of Lakeview and Metry

YHC wanted to get out early in case there were any pre bout instructions – the bullpen was dark except a lone silhouette planting a flag emerging quickly with an enthusiastic smile of pinewood ready for the battle. Then coming off the field ThumbWar with a determined look of a well trained challenger. YHC checked his watch with only 5 minutes there was just a handful of Pax and still no Thighs, yet within a minute the bullpen was crawling with Pax like ants on a misplaced foot at Okwata!

At 5:29 YHC suggested some general etiquette to help ensure the instructions were heard…..limit the “jaw jacking” or “jack jawing” the MS translation of Handgranada.

After quick disclaimer we were off on a Mosey to the rock pile. 3 minute warm up
Side Lunge
Mnt Man Poopers
Shoulder Taps

Round 1 ThumbWar – had pax team up and grap a medium rock then head to the field.
With cones in place some sort of Dora

Round 2 Thighs was still reminiscing over the Olympics to which we did a variation of exercises to each letter x 10 then x 5

Round 3 ThumbWar it’s a “core focus” hop stop exercise crawl stop exercise length of field – rinse and repeat

Round 4 Thighs (this is where I think the Pax was a bit unhinged in following instructions) still with a Olympics focus -sprint in place
-back stroke
-karate kick
-merkin boxing

Time called with 4 minutes left YHC attempted a 1 minutes bonus round to ensure if there was a potential for a draw this may leave a lasting impression….so what do we get “stretching”!

On to COT – the vote wasn’t close 17-3, yet 3 of the 17 (RougaRou, Scantron and TripleShift) didn’t even participate but must have seen the action from their NOTs vantage point to emphasis there is still no repeat winner. Congrats to the new champ ThumbWar and much respect to Thighs for showing up in hostile territory with no OG support.

Next up ThumbWar vs Angie’s List 9/13 at WolfPack Mnt