Resist the PSL – from Sea Man
Resist the PSL – from Sea Man

Resist the PSL – from Sea Man

QIC:Sea Man
PAX:Angie’s List, Brown Bag, Chowdah, Douille, Dry Socket, Gabrielle, hellfire, Jingle Vader, King Kong, Reluctant Yankee, Sandbar, Sea Man, Skeeter, Tinkles, Whopper, Odules, Reluctant Tiger, and Vandalay

PSL’s are coming and only a gun show will stop them!

Mosey around the lot to pickup late arrivals Tube Steak and Willie (of course) and to the field in front of the zoo for standard warm up and Tantric Arm Circles.

On to the statue for the Dora
100 Shoulder Taps 2:1
200 Dips
300 Inclined Mercs

Followed it up with Lunge back pedal around the loop while partner did LBCs, LBT to the Right, LBT to the left.

Back to the field for Jack Web’s. After much whining about 10 we finished our 10 tantric Arm Circles and on to the flag.