“A Bottle of Kaopectate” and HYDRATE! – from Bolt
AA BBoottttllee ooff KKaaooppeeccttaattee aanndd HHYYDDRRAATTEE!!  ffrroomm BBoolltt

“A Bottle of Kaopectate” and HYDRATE! – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Charmin, Madoff

While we were minis Scrum fixture, Space Cowboy, due to kidney stones (hydrate!), Madoff, after prodding by Charmin, returned to the gloom for the first time in about two months. It was super muggy and I’m pretty sure the pax were already soaked before we even started the warm-up, which of course included the bolt warm-up theme song. Frac’s favorite line would prove to be almost predictive as Madoff pushed through the restart button that comes with being a Kotter. Luckily, he did not actually splash Merlot, but certainly felt like he was headed there.

Hip Circles (clockwise) x 5 (in cadence)
Hip Circles (counterclockwise) x 5 (in cadence)
Abe SLOWgodas x 10 (in cadence)
Open/close the gate each side x 10
Tie Fighters x 15 each way
Good mornings x 10
Abe Vigodas x 10 (in cadence)

The Thang

KnOT/Mosey to JPAX for 5 min EMOM 10 burpees
Recover with 1 minute focused sound counting
8 count step ups x 20
Irkins x 25
LSS x 15
3-man Coupon Dora: 100 skull crushers at bottom, 100 curls up top at opposite ends of route
one man/block atop landing with second man timer who runs down ramp to third man at flag poles, picking up the count as third man runs up stairs to pick up count from first man. Upon completion of reps, exercise switches to blockees at both stations.

Return blocks and KnOT/Mosey to garden of abs for v-up ring of fire (base position 12” off ground) followed by 10 burpees OYO. Finish with one minute of protractors. COT