Goodness Gracious Great Ballz of Fire! – from Bushwacker
Goodness Gracious Great Ballz of Fire! – from Bushwacker

Goodness Gracious Great Ballz of Fire! – from Bushwacker

PAX:Ballz Deep, Barely Legal, Bean, Bushwacker, Speedy Gonzales, Tanked Up, Will I Am, Parrot

The PAX showed up deep… Ballz Deep! 7 men started off, picking a a bicycling Bean with his own burning ballz (recovering from a minimally painful, though high anxiety snip) on Vermont. Tank, and BD trailed YHC, who was trying desperately to keep up with Speedy, while Shooter, Legal, and Bean moved at a leisurely pace with lively mumblechatter on a lovely morning. Parrot had spread his wings for some early miles and flew about as he saw fit. As per usual, the Future-Olympian Will I Am jumped in and blazed back to the coffee spot on our return. Sweetly satisfying Sunday shenanigans were shared and some EH was thrown about at the finish line upon meeting Zack and his buddy, training for the Northshore Half. Until next week meet,