How about some sprints? – from Shooter
How about some sprints? – from Shooter

How about some sprints? – from Shooter

PAX:Russo, Speedy Gonzales, The Hammer

YHC arrived early at 0500 believing there would be some Spartans out but I guess with Zoolander’s July ISI closed a break was in order.. Russo arrived and we had some pre chatter and stretching by Mr. McGruff and the exercise equipment.. It wasn’t long after that Speedy turned the corner and then Hammer as well.. The PAX was small considering the last few weeks, however we jumped into some warmups and stretches.. Russo journeyed out with his Ruck and was asked to pause at Messina/Monroe. He graciously obliged and the remaining 3 PAX ran down East Causeway approach to Monroe and then proceeded to meet him at the same location.. We completed 10 rounds of varying sprints and then proceeded to Mosey back to the AO..
Appreciate Speedy taking us out in prayer and for you gentlemen posting.

Until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!