Making Progress on the Posterier Chain – from Triple Shift
Making Progress on the Posterier Chain – from Triple Shift

Making Progress on the Posterier Chain – from Triple Shift

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Ballast, Bullseye, Catfish, DAX, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Thumb War, Triple Shift, Vagabond, Judge Wapner

I hadn’t Q’d in sometime so when I was called out to lead the men of the Renaissance, I gladly stepped up. Ever since my first few workouts in 2014, I recognized that almost everyone in the F3 Nation is always doing some sort of vertical or horizontal press. Think overhead presses or Carolina Dry Docks and think Merkins. Ever since my first Red Hot Chili Pepper routine (20 decline merkins IC, 20 triceps dip IC, 20 Incline Merkins, and 20 Step Ups IC and then decrease to 15 reps, 10 reps and then 5 reps), I’ve been a little turned off on all the push type exercises. Well, that would change today.

Warmarama – 10 LSS IC, 10 Arm Circles (forward and backward) IC, 10 Open the gate IC, 10 LS Merkins IC, 10 LS Parker Peters IC, and 10 LS Peter Parkers IC. Too much chatter and strange noises from Vagabond and Fracsac which almost threw me off my game.

After the warmups farmers carry the dumbbells, kettlebells and sandbag and head to the foundry about a 1/3 mile away. I heard Wapner comment on the obvious that we would have to carry all the weights back to the starting point. Which I said, “That is the point of the workout.”

At the foundry, I told the PAX that we will work on the posterior chain so there would be a vertical pull (pull ups), a horizontal pull (2 handed body row or single arm bent over row), Bulgarian split squats (glutes), and then single leg deadlifts (hinge for glutes and hamstrings). After much chatter about the word posterior and other definitions that I threw out, I gave them instructions.

5 pull ups
10 two handed body rows or 10 single arm (each arm) bent over rows
15 Bulgarian Split Squats each leg. The top of the back foot needs be flat behind you on a bench and the front foot need to be in front of the knee.
20 single leg deadlifts with a weight in one hand.
Hold a superman for the six
I was hoping that we could do 5 rounds but only could muster 3 because of all the mumble chatter from the PAX and the form policing by me. Thumb War tried to hide by being far away, but I caught him.

Head to the back of the museum for a 10 count Jackass Webb which is 10 burpees IC and 20 donkey kicks. Finish up with one Sunday Morning and head back to the flag with all the weights.

I closed us out in a BOM (increased my testosterone) with a petition to God to give us the opportunities to be courageous, the opportunities to practice patience, the opportunities to lead our families and communities in humility. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers with all the family drama and business challenges that I am going through! Praying that God’s will be done!