Granny’s magic!! – from Shooter
Granny’s magic!! – from Shooter

Granny’s magic!! – from Shooter

PAX:Cowbell, Jose10k, Russo, Steve

Four rounds, four exercises and four loops was the magical number for our 45 mins in the Gloom.
After completing a loop around the Trace brief warmup of 15IC and 10IC Grass grabbers, Toe touches, Abe Vogadas, over head claps, Cherry pickers and arm circles..
Thang was 3 coupon stations and a jump rope station..
Timer was 1 min of work 30 seconds of rest 4 rounds of motion.
Coupon 1 Chest press
Coupon 2 Curls
Coupon 3 Overhead carry up and down the stairs. Intensity version shoulder presses while going up and back down.. After 4 one min rounds PAX made a loop around the Trace.
R/R till each PAX completed all stated exercises.. For you math folks out there, total work was only 16 mins of engaged movement not counting the loop’s.. Doesn’t seem like much but I promise by rd 3 the burn was real and I believe the PAX got their monies worth..

Finished right at 6 and we announced multiple CSAUP opportunities ahead.. 4 on the 4th, BEAST, Turkey trot and I believe some other hot ass marathon or something… Not really certain, but one thing is certain, Cowbell lives and he mentioned a possible Saturday post for the Wacker Q..

Russo graciously took us out and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!