Rock It, Rock It Real Good – from Fracsac
Rock It, Rock It Real Good – from Fracsac

Rock It, Rock It Real Good – from Fracsac

PAX:Bogey, Fast Tax, Architect, Vagabond, Hawgcycle, Hand Greneda, Rudy, Fracsac, Triple Shift, Scantron, Rougarou

Conditions: 77 degrees with 86% humidity

11 pax total with 3 splitting off for KnOT’s.

Walk backwards on the track. I read over the weekend it’s good for you.

Mosey to the rock pile for the warmup. Usual stuff finishing with 10 Catalina Wine Mixers IC.

Partner up and grab one rock, a big one. Pax 1 rifle carry while pax 2 does 5 ‘mericans and 5 squats then run to flapjack rock.
Return the big rock and grab a regular rock, partner stuff is over. Head to the parking lot.
Starting at one end using the parking lines as guides, do 5 curls, then run to gym for 5 burpees. Run back to rock and move one parking line closer. Increase by 5 curls each time up to 30.

Head to pavilion for OP, Rows, step ups, dips, and some rock calf raises.

Return the rocks, bear crawl for about a minute, then return to flag.


Humidity is back
Scantron convinced me walking backwards is good for the legs by putting it on the internet. Everything on the internet is true.