12 Days of Fitmas and a Splash of Merlot – from Bolt
12 Days of Fitmas and a Splash of Merlot – from Bolt

12 Days of Fitmas and a Splash of Merlot – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Pillsbury, Satchmo, War Eagle, Space Cowboy

Christmas is fast approaching and YHC hadn’t yet treated the pax to his annual tradition: very bad singing wrapped around a beat down and today would be the day—12 days of Fitmas it is. A Kotter (Satchmo), sporting the sophomore 20, joined the regulars to fulfill a commitment to himself and be accountable—well done!
Warmorama of the usual, featuring the requisite song but this would be the only song from the usual playlist for today is Fitmas and Bolt Claus would deliver a holiday soundtrack to the pax.
The Thang:
Mosey to JPAX for a ladder up the 12 days:

Day 1: Mosey (up the stairs and down the ramp)
Day 2: Diamond merkins
Day3: Shoulder Taps (2:1)
Day 4: Reverse Lunges (2:1)
Day 5: Burpees
Day 6: Squats
Day 7: Merkins
Day 8: Big Boy sit-ups
Day 9: Flutter Kicks
Day 10: LBCs
Day 11: Plank Jacks
Day 12: Mtn. Climbers (2:1)

Mosey back to the flag with enough time for “Mary” Kwanzaa: Peter Parker Merkins and Protractors to the sound of African drum beats.
COT, thank you men for the push and accountability!