1 Year Manniversary – from Pool Boy
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1 Year Manniversary – from Pool Boy

QIC:Pool Boy
PAX:Architect, Bogey, Bolt, Charmin, Cheese Steak, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Heisenberg, Mayhem, Mr Rogers, Pool Boy, Scantron, Triple Shift, SamBreaux

Beautiful Friday morning 57 degrees. Gave the obligatory warnings and headed to the Football field. Scantron and Triple Shift went KOT’s.

Warmups consisted of:
Armcircles;all types
Abe Vigoda’s
Grass Grabbers
Low Slow Squats
Imperial Walkers
Slow Merkins

The Thang
100 yard’s back and forth of Bear Crawl, Leap Frog, Leap Frog with Partner, Leap Frog Burpee
Mosey to the Rock Pile and select a rock. In silence: sort of
Rock Merkins
Overhead Press
Crunches(with rock)
Rock Press
Mosey back toward the flag for Rock Toss – Partner up and chunk the biggest rock you have back and forth over the fence to one another. About 5 minutes. Rifle carry Indian Walk back to the rock pile.
Finished with Mary
Sprint back to the flag.
As this was my 1 year anniversary, thank you all for your support.