2nd and 20, Hurt Me Plenty – from Murdock
2nd and 20, Hurt Me Plenty – from Murdock

2nd and 20, Hurt Me Plenty – from Murdock

PAX:Murdock, Pass Interference

Inspired by our local team we punished ourselves in the gloom with a football theme. This is how it went down. After a couple minutes warming up, we took to the field of battle. Q1: two cones 10 yards apart. One of us at each cone. Throw the football…if the ball is dropped. 5 burpees and then 20 air squats. Then mosey forward ten yards, mosey backwards, side straddle left, side straddle right. Then reset. Throw the ball…and drop the ball…5 more burpees, 20 more air squats. The whole routine repeats for a total of 4 rounds to finish the quarter. Q2: see above, now with Merkins. AND yes more burpees. We blame dropping the ball on the fog, gloom, and politics. HALFTIME. Two slow laps around the cones to catch our breath, then we’re at it again. Q3: American Hammers, replace Merkins. Q4: Reverse lunges replace American Hammers AND Burpees replace…more burpees. Finally… two laps to catch our breath, pick up the cones and say hello to Mary. Holding an elbow plank to the longest song EVER, until the alarm went off.