Gorilla Complex – from Kenna Brah
Gorilla Complex – from Kenna Brah

Gorilla Complex – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Mr Feeny

With appropriate rock, at the “hill”
Rnd 1
PAX performed the following OYO without stop: 8 Curls For Girls, 8 High Pulls, 8 Overhead Presses, 8 Tricep Extensions, then drop coupon for 8 Merkins. Bernie up and over the hill, jog back. Rinse and Repeat 8 Times.

Rnd 2
Pull overs
Flutter kicks
Chest press
Wife pleaser 4ct
Got 3 sets in, mosey back to start for 60nsecods of Derkin style plank hold, walk/jog backward to COT.