Strength in numbers – from Kenna Brah
Strength in numbers – from Kenna Brah

Strength in numbers – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah

YHC was relieved to see 3 PAX emerging from their vehicles, themselves wondering if there would be something to do.

Obligingly, I proceed to mosey to the rock pile for warmups and surprisingly, they followed me!
Imperial Walkers 15x
Abe Vigoda Rx 10x
Mtn Man Pooper Good Morning 15x
Then worked on balance on the tracks till the train shooed us away.

Main Thang –
Murph Training
With Rock:
10 Curls
15 Rows
Run roughly 200 Meters
5 Rounds

Back to the start –
One lap around the track KOT style with a sprint for the last 50 Yards

Ultimate Frisbee Soccer, and other Frisbee games to wrap it up
We’re out!