Crack a Cold One and Tip it on Back to ‘Merica – from Lil Cuz
Crack a Cold One and Tip it on Back to ‘Merica – from Lil Cuz

Crack a Cold One and Tip it on Back to ‘Merica – from Lil Cuz

QIC:Lil Cuz
PAX:Yankee Jeaux, Enron, Goose, Pope, Coyote, Smooth Operator, Tractor, Jack Be Nimble, French Horn

That’s right Merica, U S and A
We invented mud tires, aluminum cans, and freedom
I’m from Merica, how ’bout you?
Got that right
In 1776, Uncle Sam and this bald eagle found Lady Liberty and her rocky mountains
They knocked boots and yelled Yee Yee
And boom, there it was, just like that
Merica was born

I’m Earl Dibbles Jr and I approve this message
Yee yee!

Today we honored an American Legend, Earl Dibbles Jr., he’s a country boy. He wakes up, straps on his overalls and puts a good dip in. His heroes include Chuck Norris and Uncle Sam, and his hobbies include breakin’ out the cooler with a 12 pack and breakin’ line fishin’ on a creekside. YEE YEE!

Old Fashioned Warm up with all the usuals and a little added request from the previous night’s group chat of Hillbilly Imperial Walkers. Your Welcome Yank! I hope I didn’t mess you up too much with my sporadic cadence counts.

Thang 1: ‘Merica by Earl Dibbles Jr
Hold Plank for duration with a slow burn Merkin for every ‘Merica. We would also do a Merkin for every “Yee Yee!” heard today.

This was a slow burn to prepare the Pax for what was in store near the end of today’s beatdown. Everyone faired well with comedic stylings of Mr. Earl Dibbles Jr. himself paying respect to the #1 country in the whole universe. U, S of A baby! Back to Back Undefeated World War Champs!

Thang 2: Mini IPC – Single Shot
25 Curls for the Gurls,
Farmer Carry Coupon across field
25 Goblet Squats
Farmer Carry Coupon back to Starting Point
25 Overhead Press
Farmer Carry Coupon across field
25 Coupon LBC’s
Farmer Carry back to starting point.

This warmed the muscles of all Pax as they started to notice some signs behind us creating a little mumble chatter as to what they may be starting to recognize form last year.

Thang 3: Workaholic by Earl Dibbles Jr.
Hold squat at different levels (High, Mid and Low) changing level for every workin’, workaholic, and breakin’.

After this song, YHC gave a little background on Mr. Earl Dibbles Jr, AKA Granger Smith. Granger and his wife lost their youngest son a few years back and Granger has spoken about the struggles he has dealt with this and being finally able to accept the loss of his youngest child. I cannot imagine what Granger was going through in this time and I prayed for him and prayed that I never experience this great loss. This also got me thinking about the hardest thing I have had to do in F3 since joining and of course IPC comes quickly to mind. I jumped into the middle of IPC at only my second beatdown and struggled very heavily through the entire thing. I accomplished it and still to this day I am not sure how. I’ve grown a lot since then, and so too has Granger Smith it seems. Recently, he has decided to end his music career to focus on ministry and aid other people struggling through losing a child. I cannot commend this man enough for wanting to share what God has done for him and his own healing and how he has been able to turn such a loss into a way to do God’s work here on Earth.

Thang 4: IPC 2022 Week 4 Re-do
Center Station of 5 Man-Makers to start and moving to each station to complete the exercise posted there and coming back to center for 5 man-makers between each station.
1st Station: 15 Coupon Swings
2nd Station: 10 We’re Not Worthies
3rd Station: 20 Overhead Tricep Extensions
4th Station: 15 Goblet Squats

This was continued for the duration of the beatdown and lasted around 30 minutes.
I am solidly impressed by the work the Pax put in today through this IPC re-do. All Pax took the challenge in stride, never blinked and got to work. Pouring sweat and pushing through the pain moving to the next station. I am looking forward to IPC this year and the work this group can put in to show the rest of F3 what the Thibodaux Pax are made of.

6 Minutes of Mary, Potluck Style

Moments to Note:
Never Give Goose a chance to potluck Mary because Dr.W’s are coming, I promise.

French Horn got to practice his cadence before his VQ and honestly he is already leaps and bounds better than Tana. Great Job!

ANIMAL shirt bestowed to the Animal himself, Smooth Operator! What a beast this guy is! Always ready to work harder than anyone else around! Congrats brother!

COT and Yankee Jeaux prayed us out. Looking forward to seeing the slo-mo video Yank! If you know, you know.

Lil’ Cuz