Something Simple – Sort Of – from Charmin
Something Simple – Sort Of – from Charmin

Something Simple – Sort Of – from Charmin

PAX:Bogey, Boo-Boo, Charmin, Fast Tax, First Shot, Kenna Brah, Klinger, Mayhem, Pillsbury, Pool Boy, Tender, Vagabond, Wedding Planner, Fozzy,

When YHC saw that there wasn’t a Q signed up for the Uptowner, he knew what to do. YHC has noticed a ton of creative, unique, and original beatdowns as of late and wanted to remind the PAX that a beatdown can be something simple.

So of course, wanting simplicity, when YHC came up to the gate this morning to see it locked, he knew some audibles would need to be called.

Mosey on over to the rock pile warm-o-rama, picking up Mayhem along the way. Once we get there:

15 Side Straddle Hops
05 Imperial Walkers/Squats/Hillbillies (these still need work)
16 Mountain Man Poopers
15 Mountain climbers
15 LBC’s

The Thang:
Mosey on over to the practice field and explain
One PAX always Moseying to the fence and back.


B – burpees
L – lunges
I – imperial walkers
M – merkins
P – plank jacks
S – squats

The goal was 100 of each exercise for each PAX, and PAX who completed everything could donate reps to other PAX however this was more audacious than YHC thought it would be while laying on his bed the night before.

Overall though, this workout was about each PAX pushing himself.

Along the way we picked up a Klinger and a Fozzy.

With about 5 minutes to spare, we all started to go back to the Shovel Flag. Some Pax being faster than others, they were told to Plank until everyone was there. Once YHC saw that Kenner Brah and Tenderloin were going to be a minute, and as it wasn’t 6:15 yet, I decided to do one of my favorite Mary exercises, Penguins. Once 6:15 hit and we noticed that not all the PAX were back at the Shovel Flag, the idea to move the shovel flag to the PAX was thrown out and quickly executed; talk about Freed to LEAD!

COT: Prayers were asked for a work colleague of one of the PAX. Ended with a prayer thanking GOD for allowing us to wakeup this morning and that we all have dignity inherint to us.