Tuesday mixer at Granny’s!! – from Shooter
Tuesday mixer at Granny’s!! – from Shooter

Tuesday mixer at Granny’s!! – from Shooter

PAX:Bushwacker, Russo, Steve, Waterpik, Zoolander

YHC decided to mix it up some with cardio, upper/lower and strength to go with our weather we been having lately.. Not knowing if one should wear a jacket or a beanie, Q decided on both for the cool morning.. PAX can always count on Bushwacker wearing his sweatshirt and hoodie if the temperature is below 60 🥶🥶… Success was found however when 20 mins into the beatdown the Wacker needed to ask if we were staying at our location or wether he should carry the sacred sweatshirt, as he removed with YHC effectively getting up the heart rate and perspiration…

Good mornings, Cherry pickers, Grass grabbers, Superman’s, Scorpion kicks, Bridges left/right and SSH..

First part was mosey down Lafitte stopping and performing 5 8 count body builders, 10 Jump squats, 15 lunges. Next block 5 Navy seal burpees, 10 Imperial squat walkers and 15 sister Mary Katherine’s..
R/R on the way back..

Corridor with coupons, core and cardio..
PAX circles completing core work while 1 PAX military presses cylinder block up and down the staircase till each PAX completes.. With Zoolander present one would suspect 1 arm or 1 handed something or other, however todays 1 arm show was presented by the rehabilitating Bushwacker.. Core exercises were plank jacks, Mountain climbers, hello dollies, LBCs, flutter kicks and gas pumps.
Next on to the jump rope and tuck plate.. 2 teams of 3 alternating curls and rope while 2 others weaved through the pillars or post to Lafitte street and returned alternating till each PAX completed each series..
Ended with 1 min of chillcut plank…

Count, announce, COT

Don’t forget Marsh Madness headed up by Zoolander this Saturday and the Convergence on 4/1 “The Fury” come for one, come for some or come for ALL but at least Come!!

Appreciate Bushwacker closing us with gratitude and servitude and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!!