Workin’ Our Legs, Workin’ Our Core, and Workin’ Our jaws – from Bushwacker
Workin’ Our Legs, Workin’ Our Core, and Workin’ Our jaws – from Bushwacker

Workin’ Our Legs, Workin’ Our Core, and Workin’ Our jaws – from Bushwacker

PAX:Russo, The Pelican

Heading to bed, YHC noticed no Q for the Splash Pad. Sure that at least Russo, the Guardian of the Mandeville Trail Head would be there (plus a bonus in Pelican), Bushwacker was on the Q sheet. Around 40 degrees after what ( in February?!) may well be our last significant cold front, it was a brisk morning calling for some immediate thermogenesis.


QIC recalls starting with 10 IC High Knees and 10 Butt Kicks, but after that it’s all a bit fuzzy.


The PAX mosied down Girod towards the lake, stopping at the Rusty Pelican’s “waiting shelter” for some step ups, and probably 1 or 2 other exercises. What was really focused on during the mosey, as well as for a few minutes every time we stopped, was high level mumblechatter!

Next was the book and the bean for some quick yoga with our coffee in the form of bungled, but effective Lizard’s Poses. The sea wall was the next stop, and honestly I don’t remember what we did other than more yapping.

Returning up Lafitte, we paid homage to the out of town (though not out of work) hairdresser, and his lovely family with some Toure de Humpers!


Back to the trail head with 2 core exercises followed by an ever extended jog up the stairs and around ALL the columns,l etc, etc.


Count and Name and Pelican prayed us out, and he and myself rounded out the miles for RCR

Adieu Adieu to you and you and you…and merci beaucoup!