Heavy Lifting @ el Diablo after Valentine’s Day – from Charmin
Heavy Lifting @ el Diablo after Valentine’s Day – from Charmin

Heavy Lifting @ el Diablo after Valentine’s Day – from Charmin

PAX:Architect, Bolt, Charmin, Hawkeye, Hokie, Mahatma, Mambi, Mayhem, Pool Boy, Vagabond

Realizing that many of the beatdowns recently have been lifting heavy when it comes to F1 and that it would be the day after Valentine’s day, YHC wanted to have a beatdown that pushed the Pax physically while also encouraging them to grow closer with some F2.
Disclaimer given by YHC and did a quick countoff. YHC did advise the Pax that they would have to remember this number for later.

We all took off towards the rock pile.

Abe Slow-godas x 10
SSH (with a pause) x 20 This required a bit of an explanation and a couple of the Pax seemed to struggle with this and remembering their number from before.
IW x 20
Hillbillies x 20
Grass Grabbers x 10

The Thang:

Everyone grab a medium-ish rock and partner up based on the numbers from before.
Do a partner exercise. Then while moseying around the park and carrying the rock, answer the question with your partner. Be okay with silence for a period.

Exercise: Overhead press x 100 (groups of 10 alternating)
Question: Why do you come to F3?

E: Squat x 100 (with rock, groups of 10 alternating)
Q: How has F3 changed you for the better?

E: Bench Press x 100 (groups of 10 alternating)
Q: How have you changed F3 for the better?

E: Indian Merkins on the levee (just one for those keeping track at home)
No question, just silence while walking back to the mound; not sure if Mambi or Hokie understood this, but most seemed to get it.

E:200 Triceps extensions (groups of however many it took to get it done)
Q: How has losing someone close to you affected you?
Dropped off the rocks, and saw Mahatma and Hand Grenada doing Mary so figured I would help them out

E: 100 flutter kicks (2 is 1, groups of 10)
Q: What’s your least favorite Mary exercise?
Back to the flag.

Ended with 10 Penguins since we had a minute, and since those are YHC’s favorite Mary exercise and since we needed to get to 6:15.

Prayed for those who need it and for those we have lost.