Tuesday Two Mile  – from Enron
Tuesday Two Mile – from Enron

Tuesday Two Mile – from Enron

PAX:Enron, Goose, Yankee Joe

YHC arrived in the chilly gloom to no awaiting vehicles. Per the prior evenings chatter on the GroupMe, there was no good indication of how many PAX to expect. Thankfully, about 5 minutes before 5:30 a familiar rumble of Goose’s truck’s mud tires came humming down the neighborhood streets. The TuesdayTuff®©™ beatdown began with only Goose and YHC participating. Shortly after there was some back-and-forth chatter about who was expected to be there, when all the sudden that familiar older gentleman in a minivan made his appearance just as the warmups started. Goose and YHC were delighted to add Yankee Joe to the mix of what was planned to be a run-heavy morning.
SSH, AC, Cherry Pickers (slow according to Goose), Windmills, Self-Love, IW, Mountain Climbers
Thang 1: Merkin Mile (25 Merkins every .25 miles while running around rich man’s loop)
Thang 2: Core Mile (100 LBCs at .25, 75 Freddie Mercury’s at .50, 50 Leg Raises at .75, and 25 BBSU at mile 2)
Thang 3: ATMs (3 rounds total with 30 squats in between each round)
15 Alternating shoulder taps (2 is 1)
10 Tempo Merkins
10 Merkins

Finished with 1 quick mosey lap around the stage field before a few minutes of Mary

YHC decided to add a little friendly competition to the end of the workout today. The winner would get to select what we did next in our Mary session.
Competition: Who can hold 6 inches the longest.
After over 2 minutes, Goose was the only survivor left holding his legs in the air. He informed us that to be able to hold for that long you must focus on something entirely different than what you were doing. This did not seem possible to YHC due to the pain and figured this was just another one of Goose’s mind games, no pun intended.
Finished out with some pickle pounders and J-Lo’s.
COT and Goose prayed us out. Enjoyed the longer run and the chatter of male vs. female movies, plots, and dialogues along the way.