Sticky Bricks – from Goose
Sticky Bricks – from Goose

Sticky Bricks – from Goose

PAX:Enron, Goose, Yankee Joe, Paradiddle

Four strong for Tuesday Tuff this morning with beautiful weather and the deep desire to get after it. Enron was early, which gave YHC a chance for some QT; then Paradiddle, who can’t resist increasingly difficult physical challenges, pulled in after driving 3.5 hours from Bourg. He was followed shortly by Yankee Joe, who immediately began what has been and will continue to be an endless stream of wife-prompted apologies for arguing with Enron about how his last name is pronounced.

Warmup of the usual interrupted by giggling over Enron’s witty Hamburglar comment on the GroupMe channel. (Even when Goats does correct a typo, it’s still unintelligible).

In honor of the last five Tuesdays, we started with a Merkin Mile, but this time we did 10 Spider-Man merkins every quarter mile (pull one knee up in Peter Parker position while simultaneously going down for a merkin, alternate).

Toward the last quarter mile, the plan was to grab a brick from the ever-present pile near one of the many houses under construction, but YHC’s mind was scrambling for a new plan when we found that the bricks had recently been removed! Disappointment and resignation were just settling in when we came across another brick pile just two houses down. (And there may have been another three or four more that we passed on the way back.) So, we meticulously picked out two bricks apiece, hefting, squeezing, and sniffing them to make sure we got the best ones, and moseyed with them back to the flag to finish the Spidey Merks and give fitting tribute to our fallen comrade.

Song: “Lady” by Styx.
YHC shared some intimate information about high school life, which may have included singing this song with my friend at the top of our lungs in his Dodge Neon (with an 8-ball on the stick shift) with tears streaming down our faces and dreams of one day singing this to the woman of our dreams. (I mean, you obviously have practice for something like that.) So, though there wasn’t much singing, we did passionate Side Straddle Hops for the duration of the song and burpees with full feeling for every “Lady”.

Then, it was time to pick them bricks up and follow YHC to the bumper area for some 7’s (it’s like 11’s…but 7). We found a couple of lines in the street that were far enough apart, and then at one end we started with 6 big boy situps (with bricks), moved via brick-sliders to the other end, 1 squat jump (with bricks), and then walking butterflies with bricks back to the start for 5 situps, etc. The bricks didn’t slide quite as easily as last time, but Enron still managed to sprint-push his, leaving two flaming red streaks behind him. Paradiddle and YHC weren’t too far behind him, but Yankee Joe’s bricks seemed to be a little stickier. He never gave up, though, which was impressive, and we left some awesome tracks that YHC slowly, proudly passed on the way to work this morning. (I almost leaned out my window and flagged the guy behind me down to tell him all about it.)

We had to get the bricks back to the pile, so it was Indian Run time. While the PAX ran in line, pumping those bricks in Heavy Hand curls, the last guy stopped for three brick burpees before catching up. Once the bricks were deposited, it was regular Indian Run back to the flag for 7MOM (7 minutes of Mary).
-20 flutters, 50 LBC’s IC, The Alphabet (upper case), static wife pleasers (20 IC), quick-pulsing wife pleasers (waited for a car to get close to execute, 20 IC), and J-Lo’s (20 IC).

It was an awesome morning, and YHC is super grateful to be joined by men who appreciate the opportunity to suffer and grow together. COT with discussion of Coyote’s Q coming Saturday, and Paradiddle prayed us out. We had some super solid conversation afterward, and YHC left grateful to God for what He’s provided through F3.
