New Year’s Day 2023 Edition – from King Kong
New Year’s Day 2023 Edition – from King Kong

New Year’s Day 2023 Edition – from King Kong

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Bullseye, Catfish, Jingle Vader, King Kong, Will Gandy, Willie, #audubonzoo #uptown #sweatybells

What a foggy New Year’s Day on 1/1/2023!!! I arrived to the AO at 6:28 a.m., and not a single soul was in sight. Maybe the fog scared them???? Or I just couldn’t see them in the thick mist. I could only see few feet in front of me. I was ready to Q a solo New Year’s Day beatdown…. then I saw headlights slowly getting brighter as they got closer. Subprime and Willie rolled up…. moments later JV arrived….. joined by Bullseye and Catfish. What a way to start of 2023 with couple first timers for Sweaty Bells.

Warm-ups: Self Love x 10 IC, Windmills x 10 IC, Arm Circles x 10 IC, Grass Grabbers x 10 IC, Hill Billies x 10 IC, Imperial Walkers x 10 IC, MC x 10 IC, Halos x 10 clockwise and 10 counter, Around the World x 10 clockwise and 10 counter.

The 2023 New Year’s Day Edition Thang:
We set up under the cover in front of Audubon Zoo.

1) Curls x 23 IC, Kettlebell Swings x 23 OYO, Goblet Squats x 23 IC
Suitcase carried the bells to the parking lot and back.

2.) Tricep extensions x 23 IC, Flutterkicks x 23 IC, Alt. Lunges with the bell x 23 IC
Overhead carried the bells to the parking lot and back.

3.) Rows x 23 IC, Bello Dolly x 23 IC, Jump Squats with the bell x 23 OYO
Did curls all the way to the parking lot and back.

4.) Overhead presses x 23 OYO, LBCs with the bell x 23 IC, Side Lunges with the bell x 23 IC
Did tricep extensions all the way to the parking lot and back.

Dora 23
Partnered up. While one Pax was doing the exercise, the other partner was walking with the bell (dealer’s choice) to the parking lot and back. Some were doing overhead carries, some were doing curls, etc.

We did the following exercises cumulatively between the partners.
Manmakers x 23
Leg Raises with the bell x 23
American Hammers with the bell x 23

We finished the day with some wall sit exercises. While we were sitting in a squat position with our backs against the wall, we did curls x 23 OYO and then held the bell above our head for 23 seconds.

COT – Happy New Year! We pray and hope 2023 will be just as good as 2022 if not better! We never take our mental and physical strength / health for granted so that we can continue to be HIM. We prayed for safe travels and that Tulane will pull off a win at the Cotton Bowl.

Roll Wave!!

Gabby joined us at coffeeteria as usual.


King Kong