Season’s Beatings  – from Russo
Season’s Beatings – from Russo

Season’s Beatings – from Russo

PAX:Akbar, Bird, Bushwhacker, Duracell, Grover, Hammer, Jose10k, Steve, Tanked Up, TruCoat, Zoolander, Russo

21 degrees to start this morning, which to my recollection was probably a record low for us. What was NOT a low? Christmas spirit.

On Hammer (with his full body Christmas pajamas), on Akbar (decked in his finest Santa jacket and hat), on Jose10k (lighting up the gloom with Santa hat and blinking Rudolph nose)!

T claps to TruCoat for bringing his favorite weather with him and semi-DR posters Duracell and Grover, as well as Tanked Up, who took time out of his marathon training to join as well. It’s always nice to see them, and the other bright shining faces that make Christmas (Eve) spirits bright, even if we could only see about 12% of Zoolander’s mug because he was bundled up.

Warmups (all 10-24x IC) – depending on who you ask, no one was “warm” by any stretch
– Sealjacks
– SSHs
– Toe touches
– Self love
– High knees
– Butt kicks
– Grass grabbers

Mosey to Granny’s, laughing all the way. Bells were jingling in the cold, and when someone shouted “Deck the halls”, Pax was asked to respond “Fah-la-La-la-la…la-la-la…La!”

Every block or so we spread Christmas cheer, doing partner merkins spelling out:

-Merry Christmas
-Happy Holidays

Dirty Santa
Dirty Santa / White Elephant. The rules are simple:
(1) Each HIM picks a number.
(2) Number 1 picks a random gift/exercise from the bag and performs said exercise while the other HIM perform the standard (e.g. 20 squats)
(3) Number 2 has a choice: Number 1’s chosen exercise, the standard, or a new “gift”. If he chooses either of the first two options, the one who had their “gift” stolen can steal or select another mystery “gift”.
(4) Around and around we go, until all HIM have a chance to select.

The “gifts”:
-10 merkins
-18 jump squats
-12 freak nastys
-20 squats
-7 Hand release merkins
– slalom the column
– Trip up and down the pilot house
-12 step ups (1 is 1)
-20 hello dollies
-10 leg raises
-21 monkey humpers
-25 plank jacks
-3 krakken burpees
-8 SMCs
-15 murder bunnies or groiners
-20 bear crawls
-10 diamond merkins
-50 high knees
-10 star jumps
-2 calf raises
-20 hip slappers
-12 hallelujah squats
-20 cherry pickers
-6 donkey kicks

We then climbed the pilot house (the Christmas tree) and topped it with one Star (jump).

Run run Rudolph
Indian run back to start, with the 6 bringing the gift (bag) back up to the front, where it was passed back to the 6, rinse and repeat.

Things we learned:

(1) YHC is the only one that is a fan of murder bunnies

(2) After his at least 8th round of them, the bright, shining Christmas star led Hammer to his enlightened Magi state, where he came to the conclusion that bears don’t call them bear crawls, but instead just “walking.”

(3) I probably should have explained to Duracell that “slalom the columns” did not mean each and every column in St. Tammany parish.

(4) Krakken burpees are dead. Long live KrackerJack burpees!

(5) Jose’s 2022 dirty Santa seemed to go better than 2021, as he raised calves better than the shepherds watching their flocks at night.

COT, Name-o-Rama, Announcements and Prayer closed us out.

I mentioned last year that I had a chance to catch The Chosen’s Christmas program, and the theme was “They must know.” I again want the to share that sentiment this Christmas with those still reading, that in my mind, all HIM should know:

Jesus Christ is King, and reigns forever. God chose to come down from heaven, leaving the glory behind, to join us here on Earth, to meet us where we are. To show us who He truly is, to be with us, to right our wrongs, despite the mess we made of his creation and our turning our backs on him or worshiping other gods/idols, in whatever form they take.

That’s love in its highest form: pure, unrestrained, unconditional, abounding and abundant. I have very little to offer in return, outside of the one thing God requires: my heart. I am going to fall short each and every day, but that’s my goal to him, my family, you all, and everyone I encounter.

Thank you all for joining, and continuing to make the decision to post and fellowship, even when it’s “cold” outside. I appreciate this group and wish you all the best Christmas season.