It’s a Small World…Small Enough for a Mini Murph – from Bushwacker
IIttss aa SSmmaallll WWoorrllddSSmmaallll EEnnoouugghh ffoorr aa MMiinnii MMuurrpphh  ffrroomm BBuusshhwwaacckkeerr

It’s a Small World…Small Enough for a Mini Murph – from Bushwacker

PAX:Meat Sweats (aka Bestie)

The muggies we live with here greeted us in the gloom, and made temps in the low 60s feel not much cooler than a sauna. With the venerable Steve UNDER the weather, YHC grabbed the Q with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas morn! And so arriving to Russo and an FNG, courtesy of Chewy, was enough to spur on an arsenal of potential shenanigans. Ensuing mumblechatter revealed that, not only had myself and our FNG attended the same event the previous evening, but that our daughters were besties! And so Bestie was he named, until…


x10 IC:
SSH, High Knees, Butt Kicks,, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Self Love


With the late (on time) arrival of Cowbell, we were off. The PAX mosied to The Marsh where we did OYO 5 rounds of 5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, and 15 Squats.

Mosied around the block.

Rinse and repeat before returning to Granny’s


Circle up on your 6: PAX does a continuous round of exercise, while each man took a turn running up the stairs, around the tower, and back. After around 2 rounds, we switched to the runner picking the exercise after each return.

Freddy Mercurys, Flutter Kicks, Gas Pumps, Crunchy Frogs, LBCs, 100s, Penguins, Rosalitas…


Count, Name, welcome Meat Sweats (aka Bestie)! Special intention for JV who is undergoing a sinus procedure. Chewy prayed us out.
Many thanks for following the Wack on another wild ride!