Drug Rep Death March  – from Wiford Montana
DDrruugg RReepp DDeeaatthh MMaarrcchh   ffrroomm WWiiffoorrdd MMoonnttaannaa

Drug Rep Death March – from Wiford Montana

QIC:Wiford Montana

Drug reps are an interesting bunch but none the less the drug rep themed que was requested so I felt I had to go for it. Full disclosure there are plenty of drug reps that need to tone it down as are with any profession (doctors included)
The “usual” Montana warm up with all over the show cadence and timing. Still working on it but we also threw in some seal jacks with a splash of yankee joe sarcasm centered around my lexicon knowledge or lack of it.
The bumper mosey was welcomed and then we had returned.
The drug rep death March was here:
1st round walk thru together so you compare it to your office jobs, friendly faces, water cooler convos, but after that you were on your own! Alone, just you and your hybrid setting out to clinic who probably doesn’t want to see you to talk about things they don’t want to hear. But this my friends is where the magic begins, you go anyway and hope each and every other drug rep believes that garbage and drives on, blows the horn and hits the gym. Today though men we MARCH!!!!!
The start 10 BBS
Station 1 : 10 merkins with bear crawl to next station
Station 2: we’re not worthys, murder bunnies to next station
Station 3: 10 curls/ overheads lung to final spot and then 10 lbs
Highlight was the coffee runs called out at random to get the doctors coffee (run to bumper and do 10 jungle boys) T clap to Dox on sending Yankee back a second time cause he got the order wrong, you had one job joe. Also hilarious was cardinal noticing the typical drug rep/ doctor small talk making the patient wait lol . After the first run thru We repeated the track backwards until 6:09

6 minutes of pot luck Mary:
Dox called dolphin hops which turned out to be a crowd pleaser!

Well done gentlemen and actually o do love my job and the awesome healthcare heros I get to meet everyday, but it is fun too laugh about it once and a while

#the stage, #goose,#paradox,#yankeejoe, #lilCuz, #fencepost, #cardnal, #montana #2ndque