Still moping from having missed the Turkey Bowl on Saturday, YHC was looking forward to seeing the PAX this morning and hearing all the details. And, after hearing the details, it only made me more sorry that I missed it. But, camaraderie forged in pain was to be this morning’s gift, and the four PAX who attended were gracious enough to join YHC in the suffering.
Warmups of the usual with some added hillbillies to burn up some soreness in the hips. Then we were off in and Indian Run around Rich Man’s Loop with the last person doing 5 Apolo Ohno’s before running to the front.
Upon returning, YHC wasted no time in firing up the Tabata timer (I like the “Smart WOD” app) for 29 rounds of 40 seconds exercising and 20 seconds rest. Many were harder than YHC imagined, and some were a little easier (though not many). The chest was good and fried by the end of it, as were the calves. Background music was nixed in favor of space for mumblechatter, but it ended up being 29 straight minutes of panting and grunting and some jerk constantly telling us we were only halfway there. It was awesome. Here’s the list of exercises:
1. Line jump w/2 feet (jump side to side over a line in the concrete)
2. Left foot line jump (dang)
3. Right foot line jump
4. Irkins (on the bricks on the stage for this and the next few)
5. Derkins
6. Box jumps
7. Dips
8. Bonnie Blairs
9. Big Boy Situps
10. Calf raises
11. Backward lunges
12. Mountain climbers
13. Merkins
14. Werkins (wide arm merkins)
15. Side lunges
16. Freddy Mercurys
17. LBC’s
18. Flutter kicks
19. Hairy Rockettes (straight leg up to opposite extended hand, to one side, then the other, like the Rockettes)
20. Diamond merkins
21. Pickle pounders (low plank, not high–that would be weird)
22. Carioca (back and forth across the concrete)
23. Elbow to opposite knee situps
24. Rocky Balboas (on curb)
25. Knerkins (merkins on knuckles, a.k.a Chuck Norris merkins)
26. Plank jacks
27. Toe taps (high plank, reach through and touch opposite toe)
28. Crab cakes (opposite of above–crab position, reach up and touch opposite toe in turn)
29. Carolina dry docks
Finished at exactly 6:15 for some COT and some heavy prayer intentions for a lot of folks going through some major stuff.
It was a blessing to be out there with you gents!