A Day in the Life of a Cardinal – from Cardinal
A Day in the Life of a Cardinal – from Cardinal

A Day in the Life of a Cardinal – from Cardinal

PAX:Cardinal, Goats in the Machine, Sonic, Enron, Paradiddle, Paradox, Goose, Superfun(d)

YHC was up late the night before due to a thrilling game-winning field goal as the clock ran out in the second-round playoffs of his alma mater. With Cardinal pride coursing through my veins, the beatdown began to form. We’d take the PAX on a journey back to a day in Cardinal’s life as a Cardinal – pun intended.

We began with the usual warmup – SSH, IW, WM, the full Arm Circle gambit (forward, backward, cherry pickers, and Moroccan night clubs) and finished off with some grass grabbers (sans clap).

Then we moseyed to a new location – YHC’s parents’ house, which is right across the street from the Peltch and right next door to the high school.

A typical Cardinal day started with a brisk walk to school – living across the street has some perks – like waking up 10 minutes before class started and still getting there on time (as long as a brisk pace was kept). We did an Indian run, with the last PAX dropping for 7 merkins, until we finally arrived at the classroom building for the day to begin.

Now YHC’s alma mater is known for many things – chief of which are the legendary biscuits. Buttery goodness that you haven’t imagined or experienced until you tried one. Paula Dean would be proud. You don’t want to know how much butter goes in them. But they are unmatched. YHC had one (sometimes more) every day for the course of my stint at the school (hence the current need for working out). But as you might imagine, they were popular. You had to get there quickly if you wanted to have any time of recess left (and God forbid you risk them running out!!!!).

Thus – the biscuit sprint. The PAX paired up, with one sprinting from the classroom building to the student union and back while the other did 4×4 of merkins, mountain climbers, BBS, and overhead presses. We did two rounds, because the daily limit imposed by the school was 2 biscuits per student per day.

Then, classes resumed until lunch. We moseyed over to the Card Yard for lunch time and another partner workout. PAX paired up, with one doing incline merkins while the other bear crawled to the other side of the Yard. Round 2 involved derkins and crab walks.

We finished lunch time with a quick round of blackjack from the deck of death. Two PAX came out with 19’s so YHC decided to do both. I forget exactly what happened, but it involved many squats.

We then moseyed to the football stadium for the pep rally for the big game. Rival week is legendary between YHC’s alma mater and their rival school. The Thibodaux PAX have their own fierce rivalry on Bluetooth speakers – Anker, cheap yet decent, vs JBL, who has been accused of being the weakest speaker in F3. We put them to the test in a head-to-head playoff of Flower by Moby. JBL’s turn involved doing what the song said via squats (up and down). Anker’s turn involved merkins (up and down). Who was the winner??? Jury’s still out…the PAX could come to no clear winner – no one is willing to change their allegiance.

We finished out on the field by doing 1st and 10’s…YHC forgot a couple details, which Goose was happy to let him do, so we did 1 burpee/100yd sprint, 2 burpees/90yd sprint, and so on. It was a hard…really hard…but good way to finish out. Just like last night’s game was down to the wire, we couldn’t slow down if we hoped to finish in time. The PAX succeeded. Rumor has it Paradox upped his life insurance policy after the experience. Paradiddle really came alive and showed that he was made for burpees and sprinting – God bless him…

A final thought I had that never materialized was recreating the “Stadium Cleanup” – after each home game, students would come the Saturday morning to clean up the trash. Enron unknowingly made it happen with the suggestion to help clean up after we finished out – a great F3 act of service.

We moseyed back to the Peltch for COT and Goose praying us out. A great beatdown despite the misty rain that persisted. Grateful for these men!!


