Upper Deck with a Deck – from Einstein
UUppppeerr DDeecckk wwiitthh aa DDeecckk  ffrroomm EEiinnsstteeiinn

Upper Deck with a Deck – from Einstein

PAX:Einstein, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, The Hammer, wee dog

Cool – mid 50s atop the Justice Center Parking Garage.

all 15xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Rolls, Imperial Walkers, Arm Circles, Neck Rolls

With Deck of Cards, each pax is assigned their suit: Moby-hearts, Jose10K-spades, Hammer-diamonds, Fletch-clubs
one at a time, each pax draws a card, the owner of that suit calls out an exercise of their choice and we do that amount of the card.
The pax came up with a lot of good calls; diamond merkins, seal merkins, standard merkins, burpees, crackin-burpess, man-makers, shoulder-tap merkins, hand-release merkins, squats, lunges, freak nasties, leg lifts, crunches, peter-parkers, etc.
Joker #1 – back-peddle down and up the inclined ramp
Joker #2 – one minute of Rocky Balboa

With continous motion and no laying around, everyone worked up a good sweat.

BBQ missed it all, again – his sweat-o-meter KCC hat would have registered way south of the top squatchee button.


The Hammer led us out with a prayer