The KING of the Wood – from Mahatma
The KING of the Wood – from Mahatma

The KING of the Wood – from Mahatma

PAX:Boo-Boo, Fast Tax, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Mahatma, Rudy, War Eagle

The King of the Wood is now a legend of lore in fires forged by El Diablo……Hokie.

That said I apologize for the delayed BB as the work out was written in Elf dust.

So like many prior beatdowns YHC attempted to establish a “serious” tone by calling out “grab assing” and “jaw jacking” which actually backfired as should be expected. So with the chatter of a school girl soccer team we headed to the field for the warm up.

Speaker in place with a “planned” playlist blaring tunes for mental distractions.

Standard cadence of 5-10 ea

Before the fun began the “Greenie” rule was established. This was adapted from Willie saying how the Uptowners deal with tune disconnect. Any time a PAX doesn’t like the tune they can change it with a penalty of 5 Burpees – each time the same pax changes a tune their penalty increases by 5 so 2nd = 10 3rd = 15 and so on.

There was a battle over hated and favorite tunes between War Eagle, Fast Tax, Boo-boo, Rudy and maybe Handgranada. And plenty of penalty burpees!

So the beatdown was 25 x various exercises some single some double. Finishing with a 100 yd bear crawl then the finale: A/C D/C’s Burbee Thunder Struck – roughly 30-34 depending on your hearing.


Congrats again to Hokie the hard charger that was etched history!

Proud to have the opportunity to lead and know that I push buttons but it’s nothing personal just trying to get the most out of all of us


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