Murph training with a twist – from Baywatch
Murph training with a twist – from Baywatch

Murph training with a twist – from Baywatch

PAX:Backed up, Baywatch, Cheese Steak, High Rise, Scooter, Triple Shift, Wife Pleaser

With my time in Nola winding down, it was nice to Q my last workout at Okwata. It’s been a pleasure to serve as the site AO the past few years. This morning proved to be quite pleasant with a nice breeze from the lake. After the pleasantries, we moseyed over to the waterfront for a warmup.

SSH x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Grassgrabbers x 10
Arm circles f/b x 10

We’ve been doing Murph trading lately at Okwata, which we continued. But first…bear crawls! We lined up at a light pole and bear crawled to 9 consecutive poles stopping at each to do ascending burpees (1 at pole 1, 2 at pole 2, etc). That’s what I call a nice warmup for Murph training.

Then it was off to the House of Pain. With tunes turned on and the timer set (1:30 per round), we did 15 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats.

Back to the flag for COT. As always, thanks for the push gents.